Let's face it, ladies and gents! We are all gonna die one day. Since I'm a huge fan of Karl Pilkington, I desided to watch one of his shows, Mouning of Life. Here, he explores life in different episodes. The one I saw was about "Time", where he went to a museum in Germany where you can see preserved bodies of real dead people. Some may find it disturbing, but I found it amazing!
I have a few ideas what I would like to do with my body when I die. I could sell all my parts for experiments or medical usage. In this way, my mortal flesh could be used as something good afterwards. Another thing is that I could freeze my body in a cool position like an advanced monolith or something.
The more interesting thing would be the one that follows. WHAT IF!? What if I could sell my body at a restuarant and have somebody eat it. Not in any morbid way. More in a wonderful, ultra delicious sense. Plates of plates of sweet, salty meat, direct from human organs.
Afterlife, Anderzone, Death, Food,