I have these very odd dreams now and when. And today I'm gonna talk about one that got stuck into my mind the other night. A sort of nightmare, if you will.
I'm in a pretty big city, all by myself. Big towers and buildings. I'm heading someplace and got a time to keep. All the sudden, I find myself lost in this city. Walking up and down a street. And somehow...I'm standing in this room in an office. Kids are playing around in some kind of kindergarten, despite the late hours. I find two exits. One on the floor, leading to an ice-rink that is impossible to cross. And another door that appears to be blocked or locked. I ask a kid to find a way out, but she talks in an odd dialect I've never heard of.
After this strange dream, I wake up. Maybe my disorientation could be my mind feeling fear of not been working for a while. Or maybe my disorientation is a way to protest against my economical state. I am not sure. But a freaky dream, nether the less.
// Robin
Anderzone, dream, kids,