Bucket list is more than just posting likes on facebook or sitting and stuffing your mouth full of popcorn while seen a movie starring two old, dying men, making more about life than you ever will. No, the phrase of Bucket List is things you want to do before you die. But if you ask me, it's not by force. Forcing youself into filling stuff in your life is like living in a prison...without bars....so...no. Not like prison at all, really.
This past summer I've been doing three cool stuff on my bucket list I didn't even knew I had! I saw John Carpenter, performing his filmmusic live! I was on a roadtrip with my two buddies, in a very cool spot of untouched nature. And I bought my very first, private car!
Life is not about possesing things. Hell, it doesn't need to cost alot. Even though the car sure as hell sucked my money into oblivion. It can be the giving moment of absolute joy. Freedom and experience. My advice to you, beloved readers. Live life! Because it all matters. Unless you are in prison....or worse...dead!
Anderzone, Life, goals,